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Dreamers exigen “Dream Act” y replican a Kelly: “no somos flojos”

En el marco de un día de acción nacional a favor del Dream Act, más de  500 activistas exigieron este miércoles que el...

La Opinión | Civic Engagement

JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon: 'I'm a patriot' so I'll help Trump

JPMorgan Chase Chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon highlighted several critical issues confronting the United States during...

Wall Street Journal: Citigroup Pact Has Detailed Plan for $2.5 Billion in Relief to Consumers

Wall Street Journal - July 14, 2014, by Alan Zibel - Citigroup’s $7 billion settlement with the Justice Department over...

CPD's Josie Duffy Named City & State's 40 Under 40

Each year, City & State honors 40 talented individuals under the age of 40 who work in New York City government,...

'All hands on deck': protesters to target healthcare bill at rallies across US

Activist groups praised John McCain for his promise to vote no on the Lindsey Graham-Bill Cassidy healthcare bill on...

The Guardian | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: El Diario NY

Escuelas charter en Nueva York requieren mayor escrutinio

Escuelas charter en Nueva York requieren mayor escrutinio

Las escuelas independientes (charter) han proliferado en las últimas dos décadas con repetidas promesas de mejorar la...

Education ‘Day of Action’ set Monday in 60-plus cities

The Washington Post - December 6, 2013, by Valerie Strauss - A coalition of education, labor, civic and civil rights...

Senate's Kavanaugh Vote Ends in Chaos After GOP Sen. Flake Asks for FBI Sex-Assault Probe

One day after Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford testified about her sexual assault allegations against the...

InStyle | Civic Engagement

Dallas Fed president will meet with Fed Up Coalition members to hear their concerns

After nearly two months on the job, the new head of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas is reaching out to the community...

[created] | Published by: Politico Influence

Duggan on the Donald

Duggan on the Donald

BEHIND CLOSED DOORS: National Federation of Independent Business President Juanita Duggan, fresh off her secret special...

Politico Influence | Restoring a Fair Workweek


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Their case set precedent for protecting interracial marriage, and more recently, LGBTQ+ marriage and relationships.

5 days ago

We have the power to reform the Supreme Court and ensure it protects everyone’s 14th Amendment rights- now and for future generations. Text SCOTUS to 25463 to take action with us today!

5 days ago