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[created] | Published by: UChicago News

Stable work schedules mean better sleep for retail workers

Stable work schedules mean better sleep for retail workers

The researchers’ work was supported by grants from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the Washington Center for Equitable...

03/5/2019 | UChicago News | Restoring a Fair Workweek

Pramila Jayapal to introduce Medicare for All bill that would overhaul nation’s health-care system

In thinking about 2020, in thinking about both the Senate and the presidential race, this is a moment for us to put a...

03/5/2019 | Seattle Times | Civic Engagement

The Federal Reserve Is Still Largely White and Male—But Pressure is Building For That To Change

But others aren’t convinced. While the Federal Reserve has taken steps to reduce gender, racial and ethnic disparities...

[created] | Published by: New Jersey Today

America moves toward universal health coverage

America moves toward universal health coverage

The Medicare For All Act is the only viable fix to a health care system that leaves far too many people in this country...

03/5/2019 | New Jersey Today | Civic Engagement

In wake of protests, JPMorgan Chase breaks up with private prison industry

Although JPMorgan Chase does not directly admit it, it was grassroots and digital organizers who pressured cancellation...

[created] | Published by: The News & Observer

Bull City Politics: Durham City Council members announce re-election bids

Bull City Politics: Durham City Council members announce re-election bids

Johnson also serves on the board of Local Progress, a group of progressive elected officials across the country....

03/5/2019 | The News & Observer

New report: Rent Control is the only policy tool that can provide immediate relief to renters facing unaffordable rent increases

PolicyLink, along with the Right To The City Alliance and the Center for Popular Democracy released a new report, Our...

[created] | Published by: People's World

With wide backing, progressive lawmakers formally unveil Medicare For All

With wide backing, progressive lawmakers formally unveil Medicare For All

Surrounded by more than 100 backers at a Feb. 27 outdoor Capitol Hill press conference, from National Nurses United (...

03/5/2019 | People's World | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: Forbes

JPMorgan Chase Is Done With Private Prisons

JPMorgan Chase Is Done With Private Prisons

Over the past few years, there’s been a steady drumbeat of actions from civil society addressing this relationship. In...

Rent control isn’t the only way to fix the housing crisis–but it is the fastest

The bill in Oregon is just one example of how tenants and advocacy organizations are mobilizing for better rent...


this just in...


Their case set precedent for protecting interracial marriage, and more recently, LGBTQ+ marriage and relationships.

5 days ago

We have the power to reform the Supreme Court and ensure it protects everyone’s 14th Amendment rights- now and for future generations. Text SCOTUS to 25463 to take action with us today!

5 days ago