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[created] | Published by: Sin Comillas

El acuerdo de COFINA compromete el futuro de Puerto Rico

El acuerdo de COFINA compromete el futuro de Puerto Rico

“El informe fue presentado en una conferencia de prensa con la asistencia de representantes de LittleSis, Frente...

[created] | Published by: Metro PR

Informe advierte sobre plan de ajuste de Cofina

Informe advierte sobre plan de ajuste de Cofina

En rueda de prensa desde el Colegio de Abogados y Abogadas en San Juan, representantes de Little Sis, del Frente...

[created] | Published by: Latino Rebels

What One Puerto Rican Activist Told Judge About Debt Restructuring Case

What One Puerto Rican Activist Told Judge About Debt Restructuring Case

Thank you for the opportunity to present our concerns today. My name is Julio López Varona. I am Director of Dignity...

[created] | Published by: El Nuevo Dia

Organizaciones en Florida piden se descarte acuerdo con bonistas de Cofina

Organizaciones en Florida piden se descarte acuerdo con bonistas de Cofina

“Las organizaciones que encabezan esta campaña son Diáspora en Resistencia, Alianza for Progress, la Puerto Rico...

Moschino has been accused of using the code word “Serena” to refer to black shoppers

Similarly, the Center for Popular Democracy in 2015 accused Zara of using racial code words for black and Latinx...

01/29/2019 | Vox | Justice Transformation
[created] | Published by: Citations Needed (podcast)

Episode 63: Gambling and Neoliberal Rot - How Our Most Regressive Tax Flies Under the Radar

Episode 63: Gambling and Neoliberal Rot - How Our Most Regressive Tax Flies Under the Radar

“Nima: Yeah. So we will shift now from the academic to the more advocacy side of this and so we will be speaking now...

01/29/2019 | Citations Needed (podcast) | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: Truthout

Yes, Low Unemployment Does Raise Wages

Yes, Low Unemployment Does Raise Wages

Thankfully, Janet Yellen, who was then Fed chair, agreed with this position. (It helped that our friends with the Fed...

[created] | Published by: Maine Beacon

Mainers thank Pingree for sponsoring Medicare for All, urge Golden to sign on

Mainers thank Pingree for sponsoring Medicare for All, urge Golden to sign on

“Lisa Wesel of Bowdoinham, a mother of an adult daughter with disabilities, said she’s been lobbying for her daughter’s...

01/29/2019 | Maine Beacon | Civic Engagement

Democracy in Practice: How the Ford Foundation and Its BUILD Grantees Are Changing Philanthropy

Sarah Johnson, director of Local Progress, a project of the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD), gave an example of how...

01/29/2019 | Nonprofit Quarterly
[created] | Published by: Queens County Politics

District Attorney Accountability Launches, Katz & Lancman No Shows

District Attorney Accountability Launches, Katz & Lancman No Shows

Advocate groups in the coalition were the Blue Horseshoe Foundation, Bronx Freedom Fund, the Center for Popular...

01/29/2019 | Queens County Politics | Civic Engagement


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Their case set precedent for protecting interracial marriage, and more recently, LGBTQ+ marriage and relationships.

5 days ago

We have the power to reform the Supreme Court and ensure it protects everyone’s 14th Amendment rights- now and for future generations. Text SCOTUS to 25463 to take action with us today!

5 days ago