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Avoiding 'Regressive Mistake,' Fed Holds Off on Rate Hike — For Now

Update 3 PM EDT: In a decision that aligns with progressive demands, the Federal Reserve ...

[created] | Published by: thebody.com

Why I Let D.C. Cops Drag My Body out of the Capitol

Why I Let D.C. Cops Drag My Body out of the Capitol

"Why don't you spend more money on health care instead of ugly, fake Colonial furniture for Senate offices!" That's...

Sawant Effort to Bypass Voters on Hotel Workers Initiative Fails

1. City council member Kshama Sawant tried to pass a last-minute motion at yesterday’s full council meeting to “release...

For the Undocumented, Life Looks Different Outside a Sanctuary City

This story was first published in Spanish on our sister site, CityLab Latino. The marker between two territories is not...


What working moms really need for Mother's Day this year

When Mother's Day became a national holiday in the U.S. more than a century ago, women were a relative rarity in the...

[created] | Published by: Politico

Advocates Demand More Money for Opioid Crisis

Advocates Demand More Money for Opioid Crisis

Today, advocates for expanded funding to address opioid misuse will take to the Capitol to push Congress for $45...

Politico | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: Black Voice News

A New and Ugly form of Racial Bias

A New and Ugly form of Racial Bias

Take a moment and imagine that you are on a train — let’s say a train serving wine as you traverse through picturesque...

Black Voice News

Fed May Face Makeover Whether Trump or Clinton Wins White House

The Federal Reserve may be headed for a shakeup regardless of who wins the 2016 election, though Hillary Clinton is...

‘A Declaration of War on Immigrants’: Reactions to Trump’s DACA Decision

The Trump administration announced on Tuesday that it would stop issuing permits under the Obama era Deferred Action...


CPD's Josie Duffy Debunks Scaffold Law Myths on Capital Tonight

Capital Tonight's Liz Benjamin interviews Center for Popular Democracy Policy Advocate Josie Duffy on the Scaffold Law...


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Their case set precedent for protecting interracial marriage, and more recently, LGBTQ+ marriage and relationships.

5 days ago

We have the power to reform the Supreme Court and ensure it protects everyone’s 14th Amendment rights- now and for future generations. Text SCOTUS to 25463 to take action with us today!

5 days ago