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Philly Council approves bills for ‘Fair Workweek’ and $15/hr wage hike

Philadelphia’s Fair Workweek bill is stronger in some ways than those across the country, but weaker in others, said...

“Neoliberalism” isn’t an empty epithet. It’s a real, powerful set of ideas.

It’s hard to think of a term that causes more confusion, yet is more frequently used in political debate, than “...

[created] | Published by: The Nation

Young Women of Color Are Running to Win

Young Women of Color Are Running to Win

In the Senate, Kerri Evelyn Harris is challenging centrist Senator Tom Carper, one of the few Democrats in the Senate...

The Nation | Civic Engagement
[created] | Published by: New York Times

Fed Raises Key Interest Rate, Citing Strengthening Economy

Fed Raises Key Interest Rate, Citing Strengthening Economy

WASHINGTON — The Federal Reserve raised its benchmark interest rate Wednesday for just the second time since the...

It Takes a Village: Educators, Unions Rally for Continued Funding of Community Schools

Baltimore City Paper - November 4, 2014, by Evan Serpick - Administrators, teachers, union organizers, community...

What working moms really need for Mother's Day this year

When Mother's Day became a national holiday in the U.S. more than a century ago, women were a relative rarity in the...

Federal Government Continues To Feed Charter School Beast Despite Auditor's Warning

Politicians always promise they will rid government of "waste, fraud, and abuse," so let's hope at least one political...

[created] | Published by: Common Dreams

How Can We Combat Wage Theft And Protect Immigrant Workers?

How Can We Combat Wage Theft And Protect Immigrant Workers?

Every year, millions of workers suffer from wage theft when employers or companies do not pay them what they are owed...

Common Dreams | Combating Wage Theft

Fed Officials Push Back Against Calls to Overhaul Central Bank’s Structure

Federal Reserve bank presidents are pushing back against a rising chorus of voices saying the central bank’s century-...

[created] | Published by: The New York Times

Trump Picks Monetary Expert for No. 2 Job at Federal Reserve

Trump Picks Monetary Expert for No. 2 Job at Federal Reserve

 President Trump continued a sweeping remake of the Federal Reserve’s leadership on Monday by nominating Richard...


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Their case set precedent for protecting interracial marriage, and more recently, LGBTQ+ marriage and relationships.

3 days ago

We have the power to reform the Supreme Court and ensure it protects everyone’s 14th Amendment rights- now and for future generations. Text SCOTUS to 25463 to take action with us today!

3 days ago