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[created] | Published by: Dropout Nation

AFT’S $2.6 Million Bayou State Pay

AFT’S $2.6 Million Bayou State Pay

Tuesday’s Dropout Nation analysis of American...

Dropout Nation

New York City allocates $500K to fight feds on deportation

US News - July 17, 2013, by Steven Nelson - Immigration advocates are thrilled that New York City is footing the bill...

Blow up the deficit!

As most working Americans could tell you, the economy is still not doing well. Right now, political pressure to fix...

For Many Americans, the Great Recession Never Ended. Is the Fed About to Make It Worse?

When the Federal Reserve considers raising interest rates on July 28—and then again every six weeks after—MyAsia Reid,...

[created] | Published by: K-12 News Network

Charter Schools Are Failing and Our Democracy Pays the Price

Charter Schools Are Failing and Our Democracy Pays the Price

Taxpayer dollars are filling the bank accounts of those who manage charter schools which is evident as research by In...

K-12 News Network | Organizing for Education Justice

California’s Emeryville is third city to pass Fair Workweek policy

EMERYVILLE, Calif. – On Oct. 18, this city became the third in the nation to pass a Fair Workweek policy. The City...

People's World | Restoring a Fair Workweek

How Hurricane Maria Could Change Puerto Rico’s Political Future

In the windowless backroom kitchen of the Loisaida community and arts center in Lower Manhattan, Aris Mejías cradles a...

New Republic | Civic Engagement

April 15: National Protests on Tax Day Demand Trump Release His Tax Returns

Working Families Party, Thousands to Protest in NY, DC and Nationwide Rallies Demanding Trump Release His Tax Returns...

Common Dreams

Conservatives May Control State Governments, But Progressives Are Rising

Common Dreams - March 13, 2015, by George Goehl, Ana María Archila, and Fred Azcarate - In November, conservatives...

[created] | Published by: Women’s Media Center

Women workers vow to fight back after Supreme Court ruling

Women workers vow to fight back after Supreme Court ruling

“In early 2017, I became network president and co-executive director at the Center for Popular Democracy, a national...

Women’s Media Center | Civic Engagement


this just in...


Their case set precedent for protecting interracial marriage, and more recently, LGBTQ+ marriage and relationships.

5 days ago

We have the power to reform the Supreme Court and ensure it protects everyone’s 14th Amendment rights- now and for future generations. Text SCOTUS to 25463 to take action with us today!

5 days ago