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The DNC Is Voting On Whether To Keep Superdelegates. Get Ready For Controversy

PHILADELPHIA — Democrats are about to have a delegate fight of their own. Following the Republican’ controversy over...

NYTimes Letter to the Editor: Deportations for Minor Offenses

New York Times - April 13, 2014 To the Editor: Re “...

If Politicians Actually Want to Make Change, They Have to Think Like Organizers

In 2011, after years of entrenched fighting between businesses and labor supporters, and months of negotiation in the...

The Nation

EXCLUSIVE: Latino, immigrant construction workers more likely to die on job in NYC: study

New York Daily News – Thursday, October 24, 2013 - Just 41% of all construction workers in New York City identify...

Can We Head Off a Long Hot Summer of Riots and Rebellion?

Huffington Post - 05.27.2015 - The nation's attention has been focused on the recent riots in Baltimore, but the harsh...

¿Vale la pena quitarle dinero a la policía para apoyar temas como la vivienda, la educación y la salud?

Un nuevo informe analiza el concepto de 'desinversión de la policía'. La controversial idea es fomentada por activistas...

CityLab Latino | Justice Transformation

Snowy Protest at Philly Fed

The Inquirer - March 5, 2015, by Joseph DiStefano - Ten cold protesters from a national group called Fed Up gathered at...

[created] | Published by: sfgate.com

Did two women in an elevator just change everything?

Did two women in an elevator just change everything?

Jeff Flake loves decorum, but it doesn't look like it was decorous behavior that moved him to reconsider a vote that...

sfgate.com | Civic Engagement

Rick Kriseman, Karl Nurse urge presidential pardons to keep immigrant families together

St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Kriseman and City Council member Karl Nurse on Wednesday joined a national letter from local...

Saint Peter’s Blog
[created] | Published by: Popular Resistance

Poor People’s Campaign Training Attacked by Pepper Spray

Poor People’s Campaign Training Attacked by Pepper Spray

You can help. Donate so organizers can hire peace monitors to protect their meeting spaces. The Center for Popular...

Popular Resistance | Civic Engagement


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Their case set precedent for protecting interracial marriage, and more recently, LGBTQ+ marriage and relationships.

5 days ago

We have the power to reform the Supreme Court and ensure it protects everyone’s 14th Amendment rights- now and for future generations. Text SCOTUS to 25463 to take action with us today!

5 days ago