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Community Groups from Puerto Rico and its Diaspora Express Support for the Self-Determination Act of 2020


Brooklyn, New York - In response to the introduction of the Self-...

09/1/2020 | Organizing for a Just Recovery in Puerto Rico and Beyond

Letter Requesting a Transparent FOMB Nomination Process

The Honorable Mitch McConnell The Honorable Nancy Pelosi

08/26/2020 | Organizing for a Just Recovery in Puerto Rico and Beyond

Congress Must Divest the Billion Dollar Police Budget and Invest in Public Education


06/10/2020 | Justice Transformation

Only When We Divest from Policing and Invest in Communities Will Black People Find Real Liberation


WASHINGTON -- Jennifer Epps-Addison, Network President and Co-Executive Director of Center for Popular Democracy, issued the following...

05/29/2020 | Justice Transformation

Community Groups from Puerto Rico and its Diaspora Oppose PROMESA 2.0


San Juan -- In response to the introduction of legislation to amend...

05/27/2020 | Organizing for a Just Recovery in Puerto Rico and Beyond

Grassroots Organizations Urge House to Fund Elementary and Secondary Education


Today, the Center for Popular Democracy, a network of community organizations, released a letter to...

05/5/2020 | Organizing for Education Justice

Statement: Ana Maria Archila Responds to Biden Sexual Assault Allegations


In the early fall of 2018, the Center for Popular Democracy joined with partner...

05/1/2020 | Federal Advocacy: Fighting Back & Fighting Forward

House Leadership Commits to Progressive Relief Package


WASHINGTON -- In a call with members of over a dozen progressive...

04/24/2020 | Federal Advocacy: Fighting Back & Fighting Forward

Progressives Outraged with Latest Coronavirus Relief Bill


WASHINGTON -- In response to the Senate passing a relief bill today, Ana...

04/21/2020 | Federal Advocacy: Fighting Back & Fighting Forward

Wisconsin Elections Nothing Short of Devastation


MILWAUKEE -- In response to Wisconsin holding elections today amidst a...

04/7/2020 | Fighting for an Inclusive Democracy


this just in...


We were excited and honored to represent at @Netroots_Nation for #NN24 this past week. Everyone showed out this year- on a panel about the deep organizing we need to #HouseEveryOne, at @ppls_coalition's documentary screening for We The People’s Process, and closing celebration. https://t.co/gqAf2Yr7rU

8 days ago

Black, Latine and working-class communities have been experiencing #Project2025 policy for decades- and they were the first to speak up about it. Join our call about it from wherever you are today: https://t.co/55AxT5fehz https://t.co/jQcgxeyZnC

9 days ago